Match-Fit Fitment Guarantee Banner Match-Fit Fitment Guarantee Banner

Match-FitTM 100% Fitment Guarantee

The Match-Fit TM Guarantee from Online Auto Parts ensures that when our website indicates a part fits your vehicle, it’s guaranteed to fit. Here’s how it works:
Step 1
Simply add your vehicle details
Step 2
Look for the green fitment message “ This Fits Your: (Vehicle Model)” on product listings
Add vehicle details for Match-Fit
Simply add your Vehicle details
You have a Match-Fit green fitment message
Match-Fit TM guaranteed fitment
What's Covered
We will cover all freight costs for the return of the original Product and shipping of the replacement Product if applicable under clause 2.6(c)(i). If you purchased an incompatible Product because our search tool matched the wrong Product to your vehicle (it showed a green "This fits your <vehicle>" indicator next to the product) even though you inputted correct and complete vehicle details. - more details
† Not all parts can be verified for fitment, those that are not verified do not come with our Match-Fit TM 100% Fitment guarantee.

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